As Coronavirus or COVID19 rages, governments are advising on self-isolation and implementing lockdown measures to curb its spread. The steps are aimed at minimizing contact with the hopes of flattening the curve and reducing the spread of this contagious and severe virus.

Staying at home is the right way of protecting yourself and your loved ones from COVID19. But let’s face it, limiting one’s movement can be quite dull. Self-quarantine doesn’t have to be lonely. There are many things you can do to stay busy.

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So, what can you do to stay active and have fun during your self-quarantine? Here are seven things you can do at home that require minimum resources.

7 Ways You Can Stay Productive During Self-Quarantine

1. Read a Book

While not everyone likes reading books, its a good habit that helps you to stay knowledgeable, if you’re a book lover, then you must be having that one book you’ve been longing to read. Well, you now have more time that you can set aside and cover the books lined in your bookshelf.

Whether your focus is on personal development or a specific subject, it’s easy to find something enjoyable. Reading books keeps our brain active, which is very important at a time where everything seems to be stagnant.

2. Improve Your Mental Health

COVID19 is scary. That’s why it’s essential to keep your mental health in check as you stay at home. Some of the popular ways to do this are practicing meditation and yoga. Studies show that yoga and meditation are good for your health. The practices can help you reduce stress and depression significantly.

The good thing is that the practices don’t take much of your time. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve with only 15 minutes of consistent practicing. You can do it early in the morning or before going to bed when you expect the least disturbance from family members.

3. Watch TV Shows and Movies

While staying glued to your TV is not advisable, it’s a great way to pass time. You don’t have to watch the whole day. Just dedicate some hours to watch something you like. With several platforms, shows, and series, your options are limitless. Now that you have time, and maybe a company, all you need is a bowl of popcorn to keep the fun rolling.

Documentaries are also a great option. Even if you don’t like movies or series, you may fall in love with documentaries since they are educational. Take this opportunity to learn how people live in various parts of the world, explore various topics and concepts of interest.

4. Exercise

Source: Pexels

Engaging in physical exercises is one of the best ways to stay active during self-quarantine. If it’s your first time, there are plenty of resources online to get you started. You can find videos and articles to guide you on any exercise.

The importance of staying fit can’t be understated. A good exercise routine keeps your body functioning correctly. When you’re healthy, the heart pumps blood properly to all parts of your body, eliminating potential health issues. It benefits your mind, as well.

If you’re struggling with weight issues, then you have the time to focus on your goals. Besides, it’s the right time to cultivate discipline. Discipline means sticking to your fitness routine and observing a healthy diet.

5. Connects with Friends and Family

Like many people, you may be leading a busy life and hardly have enough time to keep in touch with your loved ones. Fortunately, the world is connected more than ever. You can easily connect with friends and family in any part of the world.

Although it’s not the same as meeting in person, it’s a great way to stay updated with their progress, the social media handles and phone calls can help you navigate through this pandemic.

6. Give Your Room a New Look

Giving your home a new look can be anything from rearranging furniture to giving it a complete makeover. If you’ve had this idea, then accomplishing it during this time will be a good idea. However, make sure you have everything you need before starting since most of the stores might not be open these days.

Moving furniture around can enhance how your room looks. If you have a home office, try to rearrange the furniture, and you might discover more space. Decluttering your room is also a good way of improving its look.

7. Learn a New Skill

The world is evolving every day. In the business sector, it’s becoming harder to pull ahead of your competitors with a single skill. Most people also find it hard to multitask learning new skills while keeping their job. So, take advantage of this period to master new skills. However, it doesn’t have to be a skill in line with your profession. You can try out something fun that you’ve always wanted to do, such as video editing or learning a new language.

If you’re dedicated, many resources will help you accomplish your goal. Several apps, videos, online courses, blogs are at your disposal. All you need is to set up some time and practice repeatedly. The more you practice, the better you become.


Everyone has something he/she wants to accomplish but haven’t found the perfect moment. While this might not be the perfect moment, you can use the free time to your advantage.

When the Covid19 is going to end is uncertain. The only thing you can look forward to is coming out of the pandemic happy, healthy, and in a better version of yourself. Instead of spending time thinking about what you can’t do, use your time well in the above ways during self-quarantine.


Policing People With Mental Illness (Psych Central Podcast)
It's Hard to Say Goodbye to Jackie (Not Crazy Podcast)