We all have those nights when no matter what we try, we just cannot get to sleep. That feeling of lying in bed while the rest of the world sleeps can feel lonely and often leads to negative thoughts that make it even harder to fall asleep.
While one night of lying awake and feeling tired the next day is not the end of the world, for some people, it is more than a one-off event and can lead to a lack of both mental and physical wellness. When sleep starts to affect your overall quality of life, it is time to take action.
For some people, merely following the necessary advice of not looking at your screen in the hour leading up to bed or avoiding caffeine during the evening might do the trick. For others, supplements and targeted sleep products may be the only answer.
There are a number of different sleep aids available on the market, all claiming to help you achieve a full and restful night’s sleep. These products can often be hit and miss, but the good news is there may be a completely natural solution to your sleep problem.
Recent research has found that CBD could help you achieve the perfect night’s sleep, waking up the next morning feeling refreshed and ready to go. So, let’s take a look at whether you really can use CBD for sleep aid.
What Is CBD?
CBD is found in both hemp and cannabis plants and can be extracted and used as a base for a wide range of CBD products. CBD is just one of the main cannabinoids that occur within these plants and has become a popular supplement option for many due to its diverse range of potential health benefits.
When CBD enters the body, it works alongside your body’s supply of cannabinoids helping to ensure that your endocannabinoid system is able to function to its full potential. The endocannabinoid system is responsible for maintaining internal balance within your body, controlling everything from sleep patterns to the body’s response to pain.
The most popular way to take CBD as a supplement is in the form of CBD oil, providing a quick and straightforward way to consume CBD. As the CBD industry continues to grow, so does the range of different CBD options that are available, including everything from CBD capsules to tasty CBD edibles.
Effects of CBD on Sleep
As is the case with most areas of interest involving CBD, research on the impact that CBD can have on sleep is still ongoing. Initial studies have found that CBD can be used to improve a person’s quality of sleep, although it is not fully understood why this is the case.
The main issue of debate is whether CBD directly affects a person’s ability to sleep, or whether CBD is instead addressing outside matters just as stress that is preventing sleep.
Studies, such as one by Shannon et al. for the Permanente Journal, have found that anxiety is one of the leading causes of insomnia and that many people who believe they have insomnia actually have deeper issues that are preventing them from sleeping. CBD has been found to ease the effects of anxiety and has caused researchers to question whether this could be the real reason as to why CBD is thought to help with sleep.
Pain is another major cause of insomnia, causing those who suffer from chronic pain to struggle with sleep on almost a daily basis. CBD helps to improve the functionality of the endocannabinoid system and enhances the rate at which signals can be sent to pain receptors, telling them to reduce the level of pain felt, according to studies, like this one by Bruni et al. for the Journal of Molecules.
As CBD has proven to be an effective form of pain management, it has made it difficult for researchers studying CBD and sleeps in those who suffer from chronic pain to work out exactly what CBD is directly impacting. The question remains whether CBD is merely removing outside factors preventing sleep or whether it is actually triggering sleep on its own.
Can CBD Help You Sleep: Final Thoughts
Researchers are the first to admit that further research is needed to understand the effects that CBD can have on sleep fully. While some evidence points to an all-natural cure to insomnia, other studies have not shown such conclusive findings.
There is one thing that scientists seem to agree upon, and that is that taking a small dose of CBD on a regular basis does not have a negative impact on the human body. In fact, research has shown that taking CBD as a dietary supplement could help to improve your overall wellness.
For those who have given up on over the counter sleep aids, taking a regular dose of CBD might just be the answer, and even if it is not, there seems to be no medical reason not to at least try.
Websites such as Marijuana Break have a number of extremely interesting articles that look at the effects CBD can have on sleep in even more detail, for those who are looking to learn more about CBD and sleep why not head over and check them out.
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