In this episode of the Psych Central Show, hosts Gabe Howard and Vincent M. Wales examine the many aspects of sleep. It’s a state in which we spend a third of our lives, but many of us have poor sleeping habits. In this episode, you will learn about the amount of sleep we need, which varies with age; the effects of not getting enough of it, both on your physical and mental health; and an explanation of proper sleep hygiene and why it’s important.

*This episode of The Psych Central Show was recorded during a Facebook Live event and that video can be seen here.

Show Highlights:*

[0:39]         How much sleep do we need, anyway?

[1:34]         The results of insufficient sleep.

[3:04]         How insufficient sleep affects our mental health.

[7:12]         What sleep deprivation can do to your physical health.

[8:48]         What is sleep hygiene and why is it so important?

[16:59]       A few words about sleep disorders.

Listen as Our Hosts Talk About the Importance of Sleep

“Right before bed is not the time to talk about your in-laws. You will not fall asleep. Especially when you’re being kicked.” ~ Gabe Howard

About The Psych Central Show Podcast Hosts

Gabe Howard
 is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar and anxiety disorders. In addition to hosting The Psych Central Show, Gabe is an associate editor for He also runs an online Facebook community, The Positive Depression/Bipolar Happy Place, and invites you to join.



Vincent M. Wales is a former suicide prevention counselor who lives with persistent depressive disorder. In addition to co-hosting The Psych Central Show, Vincent is the author of several award-winning novels and the creator of costumed hero Dynamistress. Visit his websites at and



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