In this episode of the Psych Central Show, hosts Gabe Howard and Vincent M. Wales welcome guest counselor and author Victoria Gigante. Victoria shares the story of how she grew dissatisfied with a life that others would consider to be “perfect,” how she made huge changes by essentially walking away from it all, and in the process developed her life-changing “daily practice” approach to self-care.

Victoria explains just what a daily practice is for, the different forms it can take, and how it can help each and every one of us. She gives advice on how to start one, and explores the many reasons why people think they are unable to do so.

Show Highlights:

[0:47]         Victoria explains what a daily practice for self-care is.

[2:18]         Sharing some examples of daily practices.

[3:02]         Why people can’t seem to find the time for self-care.

[4:17]         Victoria explains why a daily practice is so important.

[10:46]       Victoria shares how and why she broke away from her “picture perfect life.”

[13:02]       How to develop a daily practice.

[15:01]       The value of maintaining a daily practice.

Listen as Our Guest Tells Us All About “Daily Practice” for Self-Care

“If you can’t take a few minutes each day to check in with yourself, it’s really difficult to focus on other things.” ~ Victoria Gigante

About Our Guest

Victoria Gigante is a former Lieutenant in the Navy Reserve and graduate of Columbia University (EdM, MA Psychological Counseling)  with over a decade of experience working as a counselor with people from all over the world. She is also a certified yoga therapist and Global Career Development Facilitator. She has a free e-course (21 Days to a Daily Practice) on her website, a book (365 Daily Practice Prompts), and a podcast called Empower Yourself. Follow Victoria on Twitter and communicate with her directly on Facebook, where she offers free Daily Practice Prompts.

Follow Victoria on Twitter and Facebook.
Visit her website.
Buy her book on Amazon


About The Psych Central Show Podcast Hosts

Gabe Howard
 is an award-winning writer and speaker who lives with bipolar and anxiety disorders. In addition to hosting The Psych Central Show, Gabe is an associate editor for He also runs an online Facebook community, The Positive Depression/Bipolar Happy Place, and invites you to join.



Vincent M. Wales is a former suicide prevention counselor who lives with persistent depressive disorder. In addition to co-hosting The Psych Central Show, Vincent is the author of several award-winning novels and the creator of costumed hero Dynamistress. Visit his websites at and



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